Friday, June 25, 2010

June 2010

The Many Faces of Alex (7 weeks old)

Finally, we have some smiles! Alex is changing every day and so is Emily! Since we have come back from our visit to Louisiana, our big girl is chatting up a storm and asking to wear Pullups and use the potty (sometimes!). She is also talking to Alex more and helping us with his baths, though we have to remind her that Alex's face doesn't have to be scrubbed so much! She also says, "WOWWWW" for just about everything that impresses her, especially when Daddy stands on his head or when Momma makes a huge bubble bath. She also notices when we have an ouchie, and says, "that's okay, momma." We also are hearing, "glad to see you!" and tons of "thank yous" and "I love yous"
This month, we've had to deal with colic from Alex and pink eye from Em and Mommy and the stomach virus from Em. Good times at the LeJeune house!
Also, another tidbit of history, Hurricane Alex is supposed to make landfall in northern Mexico tonight. Funny to keep hearing about "the preparations for Alex" on the news.

Sometimes we don't understand God's plan. All we know is that we have to accept it and try and deal with the loss of the ones we love the best way we know how. We'll miss you, Aunt Sue!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

May 2010

What a month this was! Amazing to think that at the beginning of May we were still a family of 3 and now we've grown to 4! This month really has passed by fast. We're all getting used to having Alex around and we think he's getting used to us! Emily is warming up to her little brother. She brings him his paci when he cries and sometimes when he's sleeping! She always kisses him good morning and good night and he's usually the first thing she talks about in the morning. She's still having a bit of a rough time not getting all of Mommy and Daddy's attention, so we're doing our best to keep our little Monkey happy!
Fun facts:
Alex's bellybutton is in a crescent shape, so it looks like it's smiling at you...kinda cute and kinda creepy all at the same time!

The contest to see who is going to get peed on first is still on! Derek and Laurie both haven't been "blessed" yet!
our little mommy...praying her baby will sleep!
Some brother-sister interaction--FINALLY!!!
meeting John's mom, Mrs. Sue, AKA Big Momma, for the first time!

3 weeks old and holding my head up!

I think this might be the cutest song EVER!