Monday, October 29, 2007

October 29, 2007

Hi everybody! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Nothing much happening last week, so there was nothing to tell!
I went in for my every-4-week checkup last Wednesday. We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time! The nurse said it was 167 beats per minute, and before you all start placing your bets I've already looked it up and there is no proof that a girl's heart rate is usually higher than a boy's!!! My doctor says I am a "textbook" pregnancy. I am officially into my 2nd trimester, my blood pressure is perfect, my weight is good (only 4 pounds gained so far..I can't believe it!), and the baby sounds good too.

No new symptoms this week, oh well, if you don't count the new Baby Bump. Yes, it's there. I thought maybe it was all the Halloween candy I've been eating, but nope, it's definitely there! I'm lucky enough that I lost 15 pounds just before I got pregnant, so I still have some bigger clothes I can wear before I have to buy maternity ones. All the nurses at work are getting a kick out of my bump and teasing "Dr. Daddy" about me being pregnant (for those of you who didn't know, Derek and I work together at Presbyterian Hospital of Allen).

We also got some mail from my mom and dad (Grom and Poppa Larry) this week! Grom made these precious onesies for the baby...I guess Derek and I will have to keep doing triathlons or these won't make any sense! They say "Future Triathlete" "Go Daddy Go!" and "Mommy and Daddy go FAST FAST" And Grom already knows she'll have to keep making these in bigger sizes as the little one grows! We love them all! Thanks!

We love you and miss you all and thanks so much for all the prayers and well wishes! As soon as we know what's going on for the holidays, we'll let ya'll know!

14 weeks

Monday, October 15, 2007

October 15, 2007

Morning, all! Nothing much to tell this week yet. I made 11 weeks on Wednesday, so I am almost done with my first trimester already! I am feeling much less tired these last couple days. I guess I had no idea how tired I really was until I started feeling more energetic this last week. I started swimming again yesterday, which really made me feel good...maybe CC will be a triathlete like Mom and Dad!
Speaking of, we don't know why we picked Circus Clown for a name. It's not making fun of him/her, it's just a name Derek and I came up with and it stuck.
We'll keep you posted with any new changes! Love and miss you all!!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

And here she/he is! This is the first picture of Baby LeJeune, taken September 27, 2007.

Since then, we went to Hawaii on vacation to visit Nikki and Shane. We had a really great time and luckily Laurie felt great the whole time! This was when Laurie realized that the baby really likes hamburgers, fries and virgin pina coladas!

October 7, 2007

This is our first post to keep all of you up on how we're doing! We figured this is the easiest way for all of you to see the (many) changes going on until the big day, May 1st, 2008!

Since this is the first post, we figured we'd might as well give you a "before" picture! This is us and our friend Shannon Watson at the Tri the Rock Sprint Triathlon on August 26, 2007. We had just finished swimming 300 yards, biking 14 miles, and running 3 miles. I had a great race, so go figure, that I found out we were expecting the very next day! Notice the flat stomach...that won't be there much longer!