Wednesday, February 25, 2009

First nightgown! Thanks Uncle Tad and Aunt Buffy!Almost walking!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Eating Puffs wears me out!

Derek and I were sitting in the living room and heard Emily babbling away, munching down on banana puffs, when I suddenly noticed she had gotten quiet. I thought to myself, "how much trouble can she be in, she's in the high chair?" And this is what I found...

Getting Tubes

After 6 rounds of antibiotics since September, it was a forgone conclusion that Emily was going to get ear tubes. Luckily, we were first in line at 7:30 Thursday morning. 19 minutes later, it was all done and we had a not-so-happy kiddo on our hands, but the nurses had written "LSU" on her little yellow gown (nice touch!). After about an hour of crying, she finally wore herself out and slept for almost 3 hours. She woke up and immediately started playing and smiling, as if nothing had ever happened. She continues to do very well and will have a follow-up appointment with her doctor later this month. Thank you all so much for your calls, prayers and concern!

Crawl, Hiccup, Clap, Repeat

(I tried to turn this video upright, but for some reason it didn't come out!)

10 Months Old!

We're in the double digits now! After making it through getting tubes in Thursday, we made 10 months on Saturday! To say we're mobile now would be a huge understatement! We're cruising on all the furniture, especially the new chair and ottoman. She is known as "the climber" of her daycare class. Also, she's gotten the lovely habit of spitting, particularly when she has a mouth full of pasta or chicken. She gets so excited she just spits away, smiling and laughing the whole time. She is feeding herself finger foods like pasta, pieces of bread and is a huge fan of Puffs. 21 pounds the last time we checked!

Look at them thighs!!!

There's my tooth! I loooove me some puffs!!!

Snoozing in the new recliner with Daddy