Monday, December 10, 2007

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!

Okay! Now we can stop using "it!" We're having a girl!! First and foremost, the ultrasound today looked good...we have functoning kidneys, heart, and stomach. Brain looks good too. Those were the main things we wanted to see today, the rest was just a great bonus.
It was so wonderful to see all the detail...the spine, the chambers of the heart, the eyes, the nose, the fingers and toes. It really is a miracle. What really amazed us was how every little move I made or anytime I laughed, she moved too! The best part was when she waved "hi" to Mommy and Daddy!
She's defintely a coonass. She talks with her hands! They never stopped moving! She kicked her feet and scratched her nose, but there was one problem...she was being modest! Derek was very happy to see that. It took a few good pokes from the ultrasound tech to get her to open her little legs! Finally we got a look and the tech said that the 2 little lines were her little privates and there was nothing else to be found! So for the 7 of you who voted for a boy, you lose!!!
We are completely overjoyed with seeing the baby today, regardless of if it had been a him or her. It's a shame we can't have an ultrasound on every visit, because you could sit there all day and watch your little miracle moving and growing all the time. Thanks for all the phone calls and well wishes! Love you all!

Okay, it's tough to see, so I circled it! The 2 lines mean it's a girl! This picture is from the bottom looking up.

This is the profile of her face. If you follow the slope of her forehead, you see her nose, then her lips and chin.

Another profile of her face. You can see her nose and her hand scratching it. Can't tell if it's a Bourgeois or Martin nose yet!

The bottom of her foot. She's got a big Big Toe!

She's facing front on this one. Her head is on the right side and she's looks like she's giving a thumbs up with her right hand!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

December 6, 2007

Happy Holidays, Ya'll!
Here are some of the lastest pics taken in front of our tree. Mommy, Daddy and CC are feeling good, especially after getting a bad virus over Thanksgiving weekend. Trust me, nobody would've wanted to be around us!
I can definitely say I am in the "Honeymoon Phase" of pregnancy...I'm feeling good and looking good!
4 more days until we found out if CC is a boy or girl!!! Be sure and place your bets on the poll on the upper right-hand corner!
By the way, say a special prayer for my cousin's little girl Chloe that her MRI will be all clear! Thanks! Love ya'll!

Happy Birthday Derek! 12/4/07

Happy 31st Birthday! (mmmm...Cake!!)

19 weeks