Sunday, February 14, 2010

More Snow! 02/12/10

If you scroll down, you'll see we got snow on 02/11/10, but what we didn't expect was even MORE snow overnight! Weatherman says it was a record snowfall for DFW area. Close to 10-12 inches! It sure was pretty!Our poor snowman turned into a snowblob!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow! 02/11/10

It started snowing this morning before the sun came up, and as of 5:00pm, it was at least 4 inches deep!

This is Presbyterian Hospital of Allen, where Derek and I work.

1st snowman!

I kiss you!
Snowman Nosey! (this would look so much sweeter if the carrot wasn't going up her nose!)

Hi, Snowman! What doin'?

Can you believe all this???

catch some on your tongue!

25 weeks and I'm looking like a snowman myself!

Yay for snow!!!!

I make one too!

Slide's clean!

Friday, February 5, 2010

More January Pictures

Getting ready to take a shah-wuh with Mommy

Everybody's getting into the potty training act!

We've had a few cold days this winter! I believe the wind chill was -4 that morning! She looked like Randy from A Christmas Story ("I can't out my arms down!!")

1st corndog! She liked the corn much better than the dog.

My two monkeys

Is this cowboy hat too big?

Happiness is yellow rubber boots and a ride on a swing :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

January 2010

I figure if I make a commitment to post some pictures and videos at least once a month, maybe I'll be more consistent with this blog! Some of the latest happenings around the house:

I am now 24 weeks pregnant with Baby Boy. He's measuring right on time, but, as I've found out from lots of my friends, your 2nd pregnancy makes you feel much bigger than the first! I totally agree! He's very active and kicks quite a bit. We just hope he stays put for a while longer! We're in the process of fixing up a Big Girl room for Emily upstairs. She's already jumped on her big girl bed, so we hope she's going to like it!

Since Emily is changing so fast, I've decided to try and do a better job of writing down some her of her fun personality traits and sayings. She makes us laugh constantly!

We are slowly working on potty training. To be honest, we're not rushing it, since we know she'll probably regress once the baby comes in May, but daycare also works on it too, so why not? These days, she actually poops on the potty more than pees, but that's only about 2 or 3 times a week, but 2 or 3 less poopy diapers to change is a victory in Mommy and Daddy's book!

Also coming few and far between these days are kisses :( We ask for a kiss, and we get a very curt, "No." Luckily, we figured out that Emily is always willing to give "noseys" or eskimo kisses, so we'll take those!

Now that she's getting older, we know she's going to be asking about a ba-zillion questions. Her first official one is, "What doin'?" She actually scared the bejeezus out of her teacher, Mrs. Thomas, at daycare a couple weeks ago. Her teacher had her back turned to Emily during naptime and hadn't seen Emily wake up. All of a sudden, she hears,
"What doin', Thomas?"

For those of you who saw her at Christmas, you know the child can talk! I've written down some words she says pretty often that we'd like to call Emily-ese:

Dub-buh-boo = "W"

sah-shees = "sunglasses"

go-gurt = "yogurt"

cake-cake = "cupcake" (one of her favorites)

bean geens = "green beans" (also one of her favorites)

Bad Hair Day Before.........And After!