What a month this was! Amazing to think that at the beginning of May we were still a family of 3 and now we've grown to 4! This month really has passed by fast. We're all getting used to having Alex around and we think he's getting used to us! Emily is warming up to her little brother. She brings him his paci when he cries and sometimes when he's sleeping! She always kisses him good morning and good night and he's usually the first thing she talks about in the morning. She's still having a bit of a rough time not getting all of Mommy and Daddy's attention, so we're doing our best to keep our little Monkey happy!

Fun facts:
Alex's bellybutton is in a crescent shape, so it looks like it's smiling at you...kinda cute and kinda creepy all at the same time!
The contest to see who is going to get peed on first is still on! Derek and Laurie both haven't been "blessed" yet!

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