Saturday, March 6, 2010

February 2010

A rite of passage for most parents of toddlers: going to see Sesame Street Live! We went with my friend Tami and her daughter Brylee. The girls had so much fun and were so well-behaved! Don't you think they looked so awesome in their matching Elmo shirts??? Below was Emily's face the first 20 minutes of the show...pure WOW!

Check out my snazzy outfit I got from Granny and Poppa James! I'm the prettiest toddler in my class!

Well, another month gone by. I guess it's really true that time flies by faster the older you get. Or maybe we just get a little more patient. Who knows? All I know is that I am now 28 weeks pregnant and the May 23 due date is rapidly approaching.
For those who hadn't heard, baby boy has a name:

Alex James LeJeune :)

I can't remember them all, but I've had some crazy dreams over the last few months:

1. I played defense in the Super Bowl. I blocked a pass and one of the lineman was a fat asian man smoking a cigarette.

2. I apparently fell asleep the entire 2nd half of my pregnancy. (that would have been AWESOME!)

We're trying to get ready for Alex's arrival. Let me rephrase that, we're trying to get EMILY ready for Alex's arrival! We've read books about being a big sister, we're in the process of using only sippy and regular cups rather than the occasional bottle (or bob-boo, as she calls it). We're also moving her up to her Big Girl room this weekend. I think we're going to have a harder time with it than she will!

Funny Emily phrases of the month:

"Come on! Come on!"

"Come sit down, Daddy (or Mommy)" and she pats the seat next to her.

By-pers = diapers

Derek and Em were looking at a picture book the other night. Derek pointed out a picture and she looked up at him and said, "good job, Daddy!"

Still points to my belly and calls Alex "Bubba," even though she can say Alex.

We've also realized Emily gives the best hugs! She will reach around your shoulders and pat your back while she hugs you.
(I just got a new computer and I'm trying to figure out how to download videos, so give me a few days!)


abby said...

Hilarious. Please keep writing down your dreams! Though I don't know how it could get any better than #1. :)
Love the name!!

Cheryl said...

I can't believe you're not naming him Brad.