Monday, April 28, 2008

Emily Paige LeJeune arrives 3 1/2 weeks early!!!

What happened??? That was the question everyone had! Emily Paige LeJeune arrived via c-section Monday, April 7, 2008 at 3:07 am, weighing 7 lbs. 0.7 ounces.

My water broke at 11:45pm Sunday night. Of course, I had not one thing packed for the hospital, so here we are, running around the house in a daze, I'm in tears, trying to pack for the hospital. Next time, I'll be prepared! Got to the hospital by 12:15 and got hooked up to the monitors.
A few minutes later, the nurse asked if I had "felt that."
"Felt what?"
"Your contractions."
"Oh. Um, no." I thought that was just a nervous stomach, but now that she pointed that piece of info out, NOW I can feel them, THANKS!
A little while later, the contractions were about 3-5 minutes apart, but still not too bad, but another curve ball was thrown when an ultrasound showed Emily was breech. So now prospected hours of labor had turned into about 15 minutes of preparation for a c-section. Oh. My. God. Thank goodness Derek had a brave face put on, because Laurie was a flippin' basket case! The section went off without a hitch (just took a while for the spinal to kick in) and Emily came out screaming and with a head full of hair!

All along, we believed Miss Emily was going to be a term baby. I never had one contraction, not one complication, not one issue this entire pregnancy. Everything was going according to plan. So, go figure, Baby Girl decided to come early! Grom and Poppa Larry and Granny and Poppa James were all on vacation, Laurie and Derek were ready to go back to work on Monday morning, pretty much no one knew she was coming until she was already here!
As my OB said just before they wheeled me into the OR: "This is a good preparation for parenthood. Nothing will ever go as planned again."
Ain't it the truth!

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