Our 2009 holidays began with a trip to see Santa. Okay, THREE trips to see Santa. The first 2 times, the line was too long, but we finally got in the see The Big Guy. After an hour and fifteen minute wait, a major temper tantrum, and letting Emily look at Elmo on Derek's iPhone, we finally got to the front of the line. I guess the camera lady saw her earlier tantrum and figured Em would scream when she saw him. She was right. She ran to him with open arms, yelling, "Santa!!! Santa!!!" Derek and I agreed that it was one of those parenting moments you suffer through but was every bit worth it to see your child react like that. It definitely made our holidays! Santa even came visit daycare a few days later and that was when he realized he had a stalker on his hands. Emily followed him from class to class, never leaving his side. We're going to have to have a little chat with her next year about that. :) .bmp)
Next, it was time for Christmas cookies! She and I really had fun rolling out the dough, with her saying, "roll, roll, roll" They looked pretty good going in the oven...
then came out completely unrecognizable. A friend of mine said one of them looked like Iraq.
Nonetheless, they tasted really good!
We decided to have our own Christmas morning a few days early, since we were headed to the LeJeune's and Lafont's for the holidays. Glad to say we didn't go too overboard!
Me, raising the roof in my puke-colored fake Snuggie
Big present: big chair!
Favorite toy: singing teaset from Aunt Missy.
Sad to say we didn't take enough pictures of the LeJeune Christmas. I think we were too busy keeping track of all the kids!.JPG)
Off to the Lafont's!
I almost cried when I saw this picture. I look HUGE :( 18 weeks pregnant. I'm never wearing that sweater again! Good news is, we found out a couple days before, that we are having a BOY!!!
Next, it was time for Christmas cookies! She and I really had fun rolling out the dough, with her saying, "roll, roll, roll" They looked pretty good going in the oven...
then came out completely unrecognizable. A friend of mine said one of them looked like Iraq.
We decided to have our own Christmas morning a few days early, since we were headed to the LeJeune's and Lafont's for the holidays. Glad to say we didn't go too overboard!
Me, raising the roof in my puke-colored fake Snuggie
Big present: big chair!
Off to the Lafont's!
I almost cried when I saw this picture. I look HUGE :( 18 weeks pregnant. I'm never wearing that sweater again! Good news is, we found out a couple days before, that we are having a BOY!!!