Okay! No, we haven't been updating the blog! Between the 2 kiddos, I'm now working full-time and trying to take off some baby weight at the gym. Derek has also changed jobs and is busy adjusting to that. We are very happy and really loving life...even with the lack of sleep!
Alex teased us for a few weeks last month with some full nights of sleep. He'd fall asleep around 7 or so, then not wake up until 4:30 or 5. Yeah. No more of that. Now, it's fall asleep anytime between 7 and 8 and wake up anytime between 1:30 and 3:30...then again at 5:30 or 6. But for me, even though we have 2 kiddos to look after, it seems easier to deal with the lack of sleep the 2nd time around. Maybe because we're used to it, maybe because we know it'll end (someday!), maybe because we know we won't be doing it again.
So far in the last couple months, Alex has been growing and changing so much! He's 4 months old now and weighs about 17.5 pounds. Yes, he weighs about 9 pounds less than his big sister. He had his first taste of rice cereal last night and LOVED it! He had big smiles and even said, mmmmm! We even got Em to feed him a spoonful before she ran back to her Dora videos. Alex is a sweet baby, with lots of smiles and cooing. He loves to bat at his baby gym toys and enjoys sitting up in the bouncer so he can smile at Emily. He's laying on the floor right now watching a football game, so we know he's Daddy's boy!
Miss Emily is growing up so fast! Fortunately (or unfortunately) she has my personality: very outspoken and she knows what she wants. You ask her if she's ready for her bath, and very clearly will tell you, "No, Emily want to watch Ses-me Stweet" Thankfully, her large vocabulary includes tons of Pleases, Thank Yous, and I Love Yous. My favorite part of the day is snuggling with her in her big girl bed, saying prayers and talking about what we liked about our day. She loves dancing, and is even about to start dancing classes at daycare: complete with ballet and tap shoes! Potty training is stalled, but we're hopeful she'll come around to the idea soon.
She's hanging around Alex a little more and doesn't mind him being around. Guess she figures he's here to stay!
I'll try and be a little more diligent about keeping up with the blog! If I don't keep up, I'll still send links to the pictures on Facebook! Love you and miss you all!!!

Who else can't believe we have 2 kids?



Big Boy!!

Maybe she'll take after Grom and Poppa!

I LOVE wearing mommy's shoes!

You don't think this face will get him whatever he wants?

This is what we found after she spent the afternoon jumping on the bed: half-naked and passed out! We hope she'll outgrow this phase of stripping!