15 months old! We can hardly believe it ourselves. Current stats: almost 22lbs (31st percentile), 29.5 inches tall (21st percentile), head circumference is in the 90th percentile (so smart!). Because we use this blog as Emily's baby book, I'm going to list some of the fun things Em says and does that we love:
- Says "Hello" all the time, especially when she rings the doorbell on her playhouse or when she's laying in her crib first thing in the morning (cough, cough..."helloooo.")
- Waves and says "bye!" as soon as we pick her up at daycare.
- Carries, ta-ta's and feeds her baby dolls
- Eats all foods, including veggies, fruits and meats (I'd definitely making note of that, since I know it won't last!)
- Loves to climb on and behind our sofa cushions
- Loves riding in the jogging stroller with Mom
- She can run, jump and climb on or around just about anything, including the sofa and chairs, the hope chest, and the footstool in the pantry.
- We love hear her saying dub-pa-dub-pa-dub.
- She whispers, "Bob-boooo" in the morning when she wants her bottle.
- She loves giving kisses, especially giant wet kisses, leading with her tongue...slurp!
- She loves classic episodes of Sesame Street we watch on YouTube, especially Grover and Cookie Monster, but is deathly afraid of her Cookie Monster doll.
- Puts her face in the water and blows bubbles
- Loves looking at pictures of herself, saying, "Hey Baby!"
- Funny, her pediatrician says she should only know 5-10 words by now. She can say: duck, mommy, daddy, baby, hello, bunny, water, bubble, Memmy (for Emily), Drew, Hi, cow, moo, baa, no. She has also said her first cuss word: rhymes with spit. Thankfully, she's only said it twice :)