Monday, April 27, 2009

Watching the Bunnies in our Backyard

Sure, we live in the burbs, but we have wildlife too! Every evening around bathtime, we have bunnies come eat grass in the backyard. No doubt we'll have more pictures of these furry friends to come!

Rocking Chair, 1978 and 2009

My First Easter, 4/12/09

Happy Birthday, Grom!

1 year old portraits

More Birthday Pics!

Here are some more birthday pics, courtesy of Granny:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April 7, 2008

April 7, 2009

1 Year Old!

1 year!!! What a year it's been! Lots of firsts : first broken bone (left femur), first plane ride, first surgery (tubes), 1st word ("no"), 1st steps. We can't believe the 3 of us survived!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

1st Birthday Party

There are more pics to come, but here are some of the highlights from Em's big 1st birthday party!

Here Mommy, you have some.Poor monkey!I'm a big girl now!Bathtime!!!